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Theory of Writing

Loud screaming after kicks, and cute animated girls are some of the first things that come to your mind when someone’s talking about Asia and its people. In the essays I’ve written, I talked about Asian representation in media and how some of the different ethnic groups of Asia have preferences on what they want to be called (i.e. Tibetans not wanting to be called Chinese). Throughout my work you’ll find that I use multiple key rhetorical terms like rhetorical situation, audience, author, tone, purpose, genre, medium, stance, and language. Additionally, you’ll be understanding my writing process.

In my sourced based essay, I found different sources that had to do with Asian representation in media. With each of the different sources, I rhetorically analyzed them all, I discussed who the author was of each source and what their purpose for writing and who they were writing to were. The tone and language used to display their main ideas. Lastly the genre and medium the authors decided to use to spread their message.

In my composition of two genres essay, I was able to create a message of my own and think of different mediums to display my thoughts. The two mediums I chose were a short story based on an incident that happened to me near the middle of my freshman year in college, and a meme somewhat based on what I go through when someone asks about my ethnic background.

During this semester we learned about different key rhetorical terms. The rhetorical situation is the background information of an event, where the main situation, the demographic, and a set of constraints are compiled. The audience are those that are reading, and this has to do with the demographic of the author. During rhetorical analysis, there needs to be mention of who the author is, this helps to see the credibility. When reading you’re going to have to look out for what tone the author is using and the different language, he/she uses as well. With this you’ll be able to learn about the purpose, or the message the author wanted to spread. However, you’ll also need to know about where the author wants to fit his/her work, essentially find out about the genre. You also need to know about how the author will spread the message that was created, to do so you’ll need a medium. For example, how some celebrities go to twitter to promote their new song, the medium would be Twitter.

My writing process first starts out with brainstorming a topic to be writing out, the topic can’t be bland because then this will cause me to have many delays due to not being able to think of anything to write. Once I acquire my topic, I then look at the essay guidelines and try to shape my topic to meet the standards of the guidelines. I then try to come up with a thesis or main idea, this comes with finding sources that are relevant and are related to your thesis. For these sources I usually go to the City College of New York library database, this makes it to where I don’t have to worry about the credibility of the author, and it makes citations simpler. In the end, I conclude the whole essay with a reference back to the hook and thesis in the beginning of the essay.

All in all, I was able to learn about many things during this semester thanks to Professor Jourdain. Her way of teaching helped in the process of writing the three different essays I wrote. In addition to the writing process I go through.

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